Denise BreenMay 33 minZone of Interest is a haunting film that tells a powerful story without showing us that story. You have to listen.4.5 out of 5 Zone of Interest is based on true events. It follows Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss and his family as they build and...
Denise BreenApr 282 minThat They May Face The Rising Sun -a staggeringly beautiful and delicately moving drama4 out of 5 That They May Face the Rising Sun is an adaptation of the final novel from John McGahern. Director Pat Collins’s film sees...
Denise BreenApr 172 minCivil War - is an intriguing premise but is it too ambitious?3 out of 5 Alex Garland's latest film “Civil War” presents one of the most intriguing premises of the year, maybe of the last several...